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Saturday, September 05, 2009

28 pages

Am I writing a zombie novel? Ok, I admit, the kernel of this idea was a challenge I made to myself to create a new vector for the origin of the zombie. (A critter writers first said was created by voodoo, later by radiation and mutation, later as bio buggies--disease, genetic modification, or whatever).

As a thought experiment, I wanted to create a different kind of zombie, using purely psychological and economic origins.

Of course, my zombies die like normal humans and they really prefer to cook their meat first when they have time, but when it comes down to it, they are zombies.

I somehow forgot how zombie-ish my antagonists are, deep down. When I was first thinking about this novel I planned to recuperate them, deepen them, make them more human and less ghouly.

But that intent is slipping, despite my best efforts. And so as a result, I've been cowering in fear next to my characters. Not letting them leave the safety of their ship. 28 pages in and they still haven't even opened the door.

Why? Because I don't want them to die in zombie attacks. But I need conflict and excitement, and that's the natural place to start.

I've never written in this genre before. Why should they suffer for me accidentally falling down in the dark alley of slasher fic?

But there's no going back. I gotta face it along with them. But I don't think I have the guts to pen truly horrifying violence. Do I? Should I try? What does it say about me if I do this thing right?

Can I merely suggest it and still get away with it? Maybe be the first, I dunno, civilized zombie novelist?

How did this happen? HOW DID I END UP WRITING A ZOMBIE NOVEL?!!!

Oh, and by the way, my personal zombie pills are an OTC herbal supplement I've never tried before. I can't do coffee--it makes me way too jittery.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's not a "zombie novel" it's field guide to prepare us for the inevitable zombie attack