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Saturday, September 05, 2009

Page 10

Napping may not have been the best idea timewise, though I do feel refreshed now so it was probably worth it. Ended up sleeping until 7:30. That's a lot of lost writing time, and I think I'm behind now even if my aim is just to get 100 unedited pages. I woke up in that familiar deadline panic I haven't felt since grad school... couldn't possibly sleep but couldn't make myself face the blinking cursor again. So I laid there fantasizing about dropping the whole thing.

Then I got in front my computer again and wasn't so bad. One more grueling bit of explication left, but the plot is well under way.

My wife Carrie has been amazing! Encouraging me, cooking breakfast, waking me up, snapping pictures. Wish she'd been around when I was working on my MA... maybe I could have actually completed my Ph.D.

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