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Saturday, September 05, 2009

Page 35

Well that was a good little stint. Thank you Rhodiola! (that's an herb, not a brand name. I am not pimping products).

I feel calmer than I have since I started. The box sez this supplement "is intensively studied for enahcing concentration and endurance, uplifting one's mental state, and supporting opitmal immune, adrenal, and cardiovascular function even under conditions of severest stress."

As for the plot... I couldn't kill off a character yet. They all made it through the first pitched battle. And I'd really planned to off some of them. I just like them too much to do it yet.

I really need to thin them out, though. I have 9 already, with at least 2 more on the way. Some tragic ends would make character devleopment a bit easier for the survivers. Very glad I chose limited omniscient POV, though (or rather, it chose me). At least my main protaganist is clearly defined.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heart you kitten